ISO , Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines – Data processing, communication and presentation – Part 1: General guidelines [ISO/ TC. Buy ISO Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines – Data processing, communication and presentation Part 1: General guidelines from. Warning. This document is not an ISO International Standard. .. ISO , Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines – Data.

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Diagnostic programs, Process control, Diagnostic testing, Information exchange, Computer software, Data representation, Operating conditions, Measurement, Data processing. Please download Chrome or Firefox or view our browser tips.

BS ISO 13374-1:2003

It describes the six functional blocks of CBM systems, 13374- well as the interfaces between those blocks. The goal was that standardization of information exchange specifications within the community of CBM users would ideally drive the CBM supplier base to produce interchangeable hardware and software components. In short, it describes a standardized information delivery system for condition based monitoring.

Find Similar Items This product falls into the following categories. You may experience issues viewing this site in Internet Explorer 9, 10 or It is not, however, a commercial grade implementation. At the time, no framework or standard existed for implementing CBM systems.


Click to learn more. We use cookies to make our website easier to use and to better understand your needs. 133774-1 basket is empty. OSA-EAI defines data structures for storing and moving collective information about all aspects of equipment, including platform health and future capability, into enterprise applications. Traitement, echange et presentation des donnees.


This website is best viewed with browser version of up to Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 or Firefox 3. Betriebsueberwachung und Diagnose von Maschinen. Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines. Vendors and integrators can 13374-1 the standard using the appropriate technology for their environment. A more in depth look reveals a way to reduce costs, improve interoperability, increase competition, incorporate design changes, and further cooperation in the realm of condition-based maintenance.

Navy expends billions of dollars every year for maintenance. Learn more about the cookies we use and how to change your settings. Data processing, communication and presentation. 1337-41, Condition Monitory and Diagnostics of Machines, defines the six blocks of functionality in a 1374-1 monitoring system, as well as the general inputs and outputs of those six blocks.

Data processing, communication and presentation Communication. Datenverarbeitung, -austausch und -darstellung. Accept and continue Learn more about the cookies we use and how to change your settings. Surveillance et diagnostic d'etat des machines.

GSO ISO – Standards Store – GCC Standardization Organization

Take the smart route to manage medical device compliance. Project managers implementing condition-based maintenance systems must take on the task of integrating a wide variety of software and hardware components as well as developing a framework for these components.

Search all products by. There existed a need for an Open System Architecture to facilitate the integration and interchangeability of these components from a variety of sources. Worldwide Standards We can source any standard from anywhere in the world. This includes the physical configuration of platforms as well as reliability, condition, and maintenance of platforms, systems, and subsystems.

The team envisioned that a widely adopted open standard would result in a free market for CBM components. It also has built in meta-data to describe the processing that is occurring. To control increasing costs the Navy came to industry for ideas, support, and interchangeability standards.

Most of the costs are in the form of manpower 1374-1 part of the costs comes from proprietary software and hardware. OSA-CBM simplifies this process by specifying a standard architecture and framework for implementing condition-based maintenance systems.

The standard provides a means to integrate many disparate components and eases the process by specifying the inputs and outputs between the components. It describes the information that is moved around and how to move it. The faster, easier way to work with standards. You may find similar isl within these categories by selecting from the choices below:.